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Okinawa US Military Bases Stricken With COVID-19



The US resident bases in the Okinawa Prefecture, Japan are suffering from the pandemic, with a lockdown effectively in place for all bases after an astounding 100 cases of coronavirus have occurred in the US Marine Corps bases around the islands.point 206 |


The said order in effect issued Saturday early morning will close down any transportation through any means by US military members without a signed pass from a officer beyond the ranks of lieutenant colonel.point 174 | This order shuts down almost all bases and their servicemen in arms, including Kadena Air Base, the central base in the US dominance of Pacific airspace in relation to Chinese air power.point 329 |


This is all part of the action plan after admirals gathered and forewarned of “extraordinary measures” to curb the growing pandemic cases in the region.point 140 | 1

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ⓒ Bangkok Post

The Okinawa prefectural governor’s office said 94 cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed among the personnel at the US Marines Corps’ Air Station Futenma, Camp Hansen and Camp Kinza as of Monday afternoon.point 438 |


  A statement from US Air Force Brig.point 31 | Gen.point 35 | Joel Carey, the commander of Kadena Air Base, on Friday said “multiple new positive cases” had emerged on US military facilities on the island as well as three cases among the local population.point 208 | 1


While this is the case, the Okinawan prefectural governor and his people have proclaimed 94 cases of COVID-19 from Air Station Futenma, Camp Hansen and Camp Kinza.point 137 |  Maj.point 143 | Kenneth Kunze, communications strategy and operations officer for the US Marines in Okinawa, have already ceded to the announcement, saying that “the numbers provided to the Okinawa government were accurate and said contact tracing was underway on the island to see if there were any more cases.point 398 |


Hundreds of Marines and their family members were being tested”, he said.point 68 | 1

ⓒ Euronews

“The US cases have primarily been Marines assigned to MCAS Futenma and Camp Hansen, and have been a mix of both travel related and those with origins we’ve yet to be able to identify indicating the potential of a reemergence of community spread,” Carey’s statement said.

ⓒ NBC News

However, the tension is rising within the local government concerning the issue of controlling these military personnel in the first place to stop the propagation of the virus.


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