Categories: life

Nostril Extensions are the New Trend Spreading on Instagram

I am not going to be typically judgmental here but there are weird trends going around the world and I am not really able to understand why?


For years People either waxed or cut the hair of their nostrils but recently a new trend has caught fire and it is spreading, yes it is spreading. In the new trend, people are putting on nostrils extensions and it probably looks, um, good, it looks good.


Yes, we understand that beauty comes in all the shapes and sizes and that no matter what, everyone is beautiful.


But jumping into something like this on purpose is something I will never be able to understand. For the starters, I really wish to know the motivation behind this look.


If the look was taken up to show that there is a spider in my nose then congratulations, you made it. But if that was not the idea, I doubt it did not get to the minds of others.


Well, at first there was just one girl who clicked a picture putting her eyelash extension to her nostril as she showed the grown out nostril hair.


And soon enough the trend broke out and more and more people started doing it and sharing their pictures on the internet.


This is true that long nostril hair is there for a reason, they protect the unwanted things like dust and harmful gases from entering our body. But the stick on hair cannot do much to help the cause.

Let me tell you one more story for the same news.


A 59 years old man in Denmark went to see his doctor to tell him that his nose is blocked, only to find a tooth stuck up there. I mean, this world is getting bizarre every day and we have no idea what we might turn into one day.

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