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BREAKING: Zelensky STUNS The World With New Bid To Broker Peace Deal With Russia

Ukrainian President Zelensky says his country is willing to bypass joining the NATO alliance if that brings peace and stability to his country.


The shocking decision has stunned plenty of leaders around the world who didn’t expect the President to make such a startling comment, in his recent bid to broker a peace deal with Russia.

The Ukrainian head of state mentioned how he would still demand a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from his nation’s soil as well as a number of internationally-based commitments towards Ukraine’s security.

Source: New York Post

On the other hand, the Kremlin announced today how talks with Ukraine were currently moving at a slow snail pace and it was not something that they would prefer.


“Although talks with Ukraine were continuing, they were moving much more slowly than we would like”- mentioned a statement released by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson recently.

Source: New York Post

With the war continuing into its fourth week, Ukrainian troops were able to drive back Russian troops out of their city of Makariv, after taking part in an intense battle, as mentioned by Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.


After regaining a significant amount of territory again, Ukraine is believed to have taken a strong and defiant position as they are blocking Russian forces from surrounding the capital city of Kyiv.

Source: Forbes

In the same way, they were also able to retake complete control of a major highway that severely blocked the logistics of Russian troops, adding another major blow to their planned moves.


However, Ukrainian officials say that Russian forces cannot be underestimated as they continue with their hostile military strikes and also take partial control of a number of suburbs located on the northwestern front of the country.

Source: BBC

This included Bucha, Irpin, and Hostome, which have reportedly been under attack for a while now.