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Woman Who Complained About Her Christmas Being ‘Ruined’ Due To A PINK Turkey Is Informed That She Bought ‘Gammon’ Instead

A woman who reportedly complained about a pink turkey ruining her Christmas dinner has now been informed that she never ordered a turkey in the first place.


The woman went viral after she complained to her butcher about how her entire Christmas dinner was ruined as she just couldn’t serve her guest’s pink turkey. But little did she know that the bird she purchased from her local butcher shop was not a turkey in the first place. Instead, it was a gammon.

Source: X99 News

Zoe made headlines when she reportedly messaged her NL Woodcock Butchers that is located in Oldham. And that’s when she also expressed her utter disappointment on the matter.


But in the end, it was her butcher who got the last laugh because she never purchased the turkey in the first place and instead opted for the gammon joint which is supposed to be pink in color.

Source: Brinkwire

“I am very disappointed as I cooked a birth that I thought was a 12 lb turkey. But then I opted to put it back inside my over as it was very pink on the inside. I had to serve my guests two hours late because of this and that too a meal without meat,” she went on to explain in her rant message.

Source: X99 News

Zoe did acknowledge how she found out in the end that she was given gammon instead of turkey but she opted to blame her butcher for the mistake, instead of owning up to her mistake.


In response to her complaint, the butcher did not keep quiet. He showed her proof of how she purchased hamper number six that never included any turkey meat in the first place and for that very reason, she had no right to complain.

Source: X99 News

“This is honestly the best laugh I have had this year,” the butcher concluded in the end.