Categories: Daily top 10lifenews

‘4-Year-Old Boy’ Wearing PJ’s Takes His Mother’s Car For A ‘Joyride’ & CRASHES Into Two Parked Vehicles

A pajama-wearing child was recently caught red-handed by Dutch officials after he took his mother’s vehicle for a joyride.


According to local media reports, the child’s age was stated to be just 4 years old but that didn’t stop him from driving his mother’s vehicle.

Cops claim they managed to catch the boy in time, but he still managed to do plenty of damage to two parked vehicles after crashing his mom’s car right into them.

Source: New York Post

The boy and his teddy bear were immediately taken into police custody, sparking shock and outrage across the community.


After the news went viral, plenty of people likened him to a Formula One star for being bold and daring enough to escape on the adventure without letting anyone know.

The tiny thrill seeker is said to have woken up from his sleep in the city of Utrecht and went about grabbing his mom’s car keys. And before you know it, he was out on a drive, moments after his father went out to work. These shocking details were revealed by the police recently.

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Source: New York Post

This mini racer’s adventure ended in an absolute fizzle after he crashed into two cars, as confirmed by the police.point 220 |


But the story is being portrayed more as an absolute fascination in the Netherlands as so many couldn’t wrap their heads around the headlines that included: “New Max Verstappen discovered in the city of Overvecht.point 191 | point 198 | 1

Source: New York Post

Sources claim the police are extremely grateful to the concerned passers who were able to notify respective authorities after seeing the boy wandering through the streets in a vehicle and being alone in the freezing weather.


As investigations into the shocking and bizarre incident continue, the police claim the car was found to be registered under the child’s mother’s name.

Source: Independent Newspaper

After being escorted to the police station, the boy had to wait before he could be reunited with his mother, who was shocked at her own son’s dramatic capabilities.