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EXCLUSIVE: Passenger Goes Viral After Documenting ‘Non-Stop’ Baby Screams During His ’29-Hour Flight’

One passenger was seen going viral after he decided to document the non-stop baby screams during his 29-hour flight.


According to local media outlets, the musician found the whole ordeal beyond annoying and just couldn’t help but document every bit of the pain and terror he was forced to endure, thanks to the little child ruining his peaceful flight.

Source: TikTok

The 29-hour-long journey was scheduled to take off from New Zealand and land in Germany and while everything did appear to go to plan, this man’s sleep and peace were more than disturbed.


Many felt as if they were living in the young man’s shoes as the pain and agony were reported on screen and shared with his fans and followers through social media.

Source: TikTok

Since then, it has received plenty of views, not to mention some hilarious comments about how the passenger had so much energy to record the ordeal as others would sit frustrated.


Traveling is never easy and when there’s a toddler on board, you can only imagine what the feeling must be like. But Henry Beasley says the child’s parents deserve an award for dealing with him because one night of torture is enough to last a lifetime.

Source: TikTok

Despite feeling bad for the passenger, some parents did feel the man should have a little more compassion and empathy as young children cry like that all of the time and it was not something to get all hyped up about.


There were even some who felt he was overreacting and just wanted to get some publicity at the cost of a young child.

Source: Daily Mail

The funniest ordeal has to be the comments passed by the young man. On one occasion he felt the child could be a great actor as he had great stamina but then on the other hand, he called the child out for having a solid pair of lungs to go on with the behavior for a good 29 hours.