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JUST IN: Another UFO Is Seen In Las Vegas Just Weeks After Reports Of ’10ft Aliens With Shiny Eyes’

Another UFO was spotted in Las Vegas last week not long after reports of ten-foot aliens with large shiny eyes.


In a clip shared on social media, two beams of light could be seen appearing suddenly in the sky above the Sin City at around 10.30 pm on June 22.

According to one of the witnesses, the two beams of light were hoovering next to each other for some twenty minutes before disappearing.


The footage and pictures of the unidentified objects quickly went viral prompting a variety of speculations. While some people suggested the UFOs could actually be planet Venus, others said they appeared way too close for that to be true.


Over the weekend, residents of Las Vegas, San Diego, and Tucson also marveled at the sight of what appeared to be a meteor in the shape of a green fireball falling from the sky.

©NBC 7

The city’s UFO mystery now deepens just weeks after a local family claimed they saw 10ft aliens with “large shiny eyes” in their backyard.


“In my backyard. I swear to God this is not a joke, this is actually — we’re terrified. They’re very large. They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes. Like, I can’t explain it. And big mouth. They’re shiny eyes and they’re not human. They’re 100 percent not human,” a Las Vegas resident said as they rang the police on April 30.

©Las Vegas MPD

After the residents filed a police report saying what they saw was “100 percent not human,” a Vegas police officer caught a UFO on a body camera.


The footage shared by the police shows a bright blue light moving through the night sky just after midnight on May 1.

The mystery sadly didn’t end there. Less than an hour after the report of 10ft aliens, another caller claimed they saw unknown entities in their backyard after unidentified objects appeared to fall from the sky.

©Las Vegas MPD

“There’s like an 8-foot person beside it and another one is inside us [sic] and it has big eyes and it’s looking at us — and it’s still there,” the worried resident told the police.


Unfortunately, no further information on the UFOs or the alleged mysterious entities was obtained during the investigation that followed.

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