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JUST IN: Sophie Turner BASHED For Claiming She’s The ‘Happiest’ With New Lover Peregrine Pearson Amid Joe Jonas Divorce

Sophie Turner is loving her latest romance with top aristocrat Peregrine John Dickinson Pearson.


The star says being single can be tough, especially after a divorce. But she’s glad to have met another match and so far, she’s loving the way he’s treating her.

Source: Page Six

The leading star from Game of Thrones did not shy away from mentioning how her split from estranged partner Joe Jonas in September left her shattered, especially because she had to find out the hard way, that is through the press.


Since then, the star’s reps have confirmed how she’s been on the market and casually dating a few people since the split arose. Now, insiders confirmed how she’s really found a great person who she enjoys spending time with and in such a short time, the pair has become quite close.

Source: Page Six

The insider has also gone on to mention how Turner is a woman of her word and when she says she’s in love, she is not kidding it. And whether or not this current relationship could blossom into something beautiful, only time can tell. But for now, the pair is having fun and making the most of their time off.


The news was confirmed after images of the couple making out on the streets of London went viral.

Source: Page Six

But the way and pace at which things are taking place right now, with plenty of PDAs being on the rise, it sure does seem that this isn’t just a random fling but a relationship that could soon be long-lasting.


In the pictures, the British aristocrat can be seen leaning in for a kiss on the lips which Sophie certainly could be seen enjoying. They then wrapped their arms around one another and went on a beautiful romantic stroll in London.

Source: Page Six

The pair were also previously seen locking lips in the capital of France and now this is truly signaling some serious things. But not all fans are happy with the star’s latest love interest.


They feel she may have moved on too soon and that would hurt Joe Jonas, her former husband and father to her daughter. What do you think?