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Man Who Travelled To Ukraine To Fight Russians On The Front Line Has Now Returned After Just 10 Days

One man from the United Kingdom who decided to travel to Ukraine and fight the Russian army on the front line has now returned back home, after spending just ten days on the battlefield.


The man was identified as 21-year-old Ethan Dennis who hails from Portsmouth in Hampshire.

He claims that he had gathered the strength to fight the Russian soldiers after seeing the intense amount of hostility that innocent civilians were facing on a daily basis.

Source: SWNS

Motivated and determined as ever to continue till the end, it was a shock for many to see him return so soon.

“There is just too high of a risk involved with all of those military strikes carrying on. At the same time, the reward is too low”- he continued.

Source: Facebook

Ethan revealed how he had managed to travel towards the eastern part of the country in just six days, moments after Putin announced his special operations against Ukraine.


“I had enough with the objectives of the war. I even joined a group of Brits that I met at the airport. But I feel that I had joined in on the wrong mission. It’s crazy, I felt like I was on some sort of daunting suicide mission”- he continued.

Source: SWNS

Ethan says that he was lucky enough to sign one open contract with the Major and that’s how he was able to return back, safe and sound and without any major issues.


First, he flew to the southern part of Poland and then crossed the border towards Ukraine with a group of Brits.

From witnessing brutal missile strikes to mortar bombs and some of the most intense forms of combat that he could ever imagine- this young man says he just may have seen it all live.

Source: The Independent

The former seaman says that after seeing whatever hostility he could throughout those ten days, he certainly hopes a peace deal between both Russia and Ukraine happens soon as the war is mind-blowing.