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“My Child Came Back STARVING From School Because His Teacher CONFISCATED His Lunchbox For Being TOO UNHEALTHY!”

Children and food are debatable subjects, and that’s especially true when you’re trying hard to make a youngster eat healthily.


In today’s fast-paced world, parents are too lazy to make any effort to ensure they follow a healthy diet, and the same for their young kids. Therefore, most kids develop picky eating habits and by the time they grow up, it’s instilled into them.

Source: Kennedy News and Media

One mother is revealing her shock and heartbreak when she learned that the teachers at the school were of the view that her kid’s lunchbox was full of nothing more than junk. Therefore, this was the point in time when they realized that enough was enough and it was time to teach the toddler a lesson.


Therefore, they sent a blunt note home with the child that spoke about what was wrong. And as you can imagine, they were not happy.

Source: Facebook

The mother revealed on an online platform how she felt this was nothing more than a slap in the face. What was going on here? Why was a toddler being punished for something like junk food?


And if that was truly the case, then a properly written clarification should have been provided on the matter, the mom adds.

Source: Pixabay

The mother is now taking to an online poll and asking netizens whether or not her child’s lunchbox was actually full of unhealthy things or if the teachers were overreacting.


She also requested nutritionists to come forward and have their say on the matter.

Source: Pixabay

Most people held the opinion that since the lunch box failed to include fresh fruits and veggies, it was not as healthy as can be. They also stressed the importance of a balanced diet which was nowhere to be seen. What do you think about these views?