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“Show Some Respect For The Oscar”- Actress Gwyneth Paltrow Slammed For Using Her Oscar Award As A Doorstop

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is leaving the world stunned with her shocking claims of how she likes to make multiple use of her Oscar Awards.



The star mentioned how sliding doors are no longer an issue for her because she likes to make use of her Oscar trophy for the sake of propping open her outdoor gate that’s currently present on her property.

Source: Page Six

The news came in the form of a new video interview that the star happened to share on Vogue on Monday. And that’s where the Goop founder was witnessed strolling around across her yard before she passed by a wooden door. Interestingly, it was being held open by a golden-toned statuette. 


The interview mentioned how the Academy Award was beautiful but it was clearly a shocker for them to see the use of it inside her home. 

Source: Page Six

And that’s when Paltrow chimed in to add how it’s her doorstep and she’s not ashamed to mention that she loves it. 


Furthermore, Paltrow went on to add how she received the honor for the category of Best Actress when she took part in the role, of Shakespeare in Love. On that note, she joked about how it was working perfectly and well in her favor. 

Source: Page Six

 Meanwhile, one fan explained on Twitter how it’s iconic while the rest felt the complete opposite. They blasted her for not showing the award too much respect and then added how it’s amazing that she failed to recognize that anything was going wrong. 


 The fan tweeted, ‘If you ever happen to wonder where the actress keeps her Oscar award, well, this is it!’- and the news went viral on social media. 

Source: Page Six

Do you think making use of an Oscar award for the sake of a doorstop is disrespectful or not? Let us know in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.