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BREAKING: Russian Government Websites And TV Channels Are HACKED To Broadcast Ukrainian Songs After The West Condemned Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Russian government websites are down and TV channels were hacked to play Ukrainian songs after the West condemned President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


According to the Kyiv Independent, Ukraine’s telecoms agency reported that Russian TV channels broadcast Ukrainian songs after being hacked.


Hours before Russia launched a war to ‘demilitarize’ Ukraine, Kyiv was hit by cyberattacks targeting its banks and government.


The websites of the Security Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Cabinet of Ministers, and Ministry of Defense were all down Wednesday afternoon.


Intelligence sources have claimed that Putin’s aggressive war seems to be not going according to plan due to Russia’s ‘overconfidence,’ ‘shock’ at the resistance put up by courageous Ukrainians, and poor tactical planning.


Video shows a destroyed Russian convoy on the third day of war after Ukraine’s army successfully repelled Russian advances and held control of Kyiv.

The defense ministry of Kyiv has put Russia’s losses at 2,800 soldiers, 516 armored vehicles, 10 airplanes, seven helicopters, and 80 tanks.


Russia is facing more resistance than it expected and appears to have lost its momentum, a senior US defense official said.


Estonia’s former defense chief Riho Terras claims that Russia’s war is not going to plan as it is running out of weapons and money, and will have to negotiate with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government if the capital holds off the Russians.


Terras claimed that the war costs Russia around $20 billion per day and that they have rockets for around four days at most.


He also said that the Russian president’s plan has relied on firing missiles at residential buildings to ‘intimidate’ Ukrainians, panicking the country, prompting mass army desertions, and national surrender.


Terras took to Twitter and wrote: “The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered. The Ukrainians must avoid panic! … Ukraine must stay strong and we must provide assistance!”


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