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“I’m A Babysitter & I REFUSE To Pick Up The Dog Poop Because It’s NOT My Job! Am I In The Wrong?”

Babysitting is no easy task and this next story about a woman refusing to do some house chores has left netizens divided.


The woman revealed how she gets paid to do some tasks and not others. Therefore, whenever she’s asked to pick up after the dog and clean his poop, she walks away.

Source: Mirror

While she admits that babysitting is not the ideal job and you’re bound to do things that you might not feel too comfortable about, looking after pets was never a part of her contract.


And now, she’s revealing to the world how they feel if they were hired to look after a child and told to pick up poop.

Source: WAG

Asking for advice online, the babysitter certainly left netizens divided and debating over what they felt was the right way to go about the situation.


“I want to know if picking after poop is a part of babysitting or not. I definitely refused because I couldn’t do it. There’s a huge difference between a little human and a pet”- she continued to mention.

Source: Mirror

The woman explains how she must look after the 10-year-old girl and her brother. They need to walk the pooch and everything is fine. But being ordered to clean the mess that the dog leaves behind in the backyard is never fun to deal with.


“It’s not my job. I don’t understand why my client does not see anything wrong with this behaviour. I was never told to do this in the start because if I was, I would have instantly refused”- she went on to reveal.

Source: American Kennel Club

What was interesting is how the babysitter claimed she had five dogs of her own. And to pick after them all day long was a task in itself. But that does not mean she would be forced to do the same while on duty. What do you think?