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Major Body Tan Disaster Turns ‘Pale As A Ghost’ Woman’s Skin Into A Dark Shade Of GREEN

You may have come across plenty of beauty-related horror stories but this next real-life incident involving a body tan will leave you in shock.



One woman who apparently was sick of her pale skin is revealing her absolute horror and disgust after a recent body tanning session made her look like Shrek. 

Yes, we kid you not on this one. The woman who works as a mental health worker was beyond mortified when her fake tan turned her skin into a dark and ugly shade of green. 

Source: Mirror

25-year-old Devon Birkett is revealing her absolute shock after the incident which has left her loved ones in stitches of laughter.


“I was a pale skin tone but little did I know that my efforts to get a dark tinge would end up making me look like Shrek,” she added. 

The woman says she opted to treat herself with a home pampering session by using the fake tanning product that was designed to give her skin a golden glow. Unfortunately, it was far from golden as she ended up with dark green skin in the end. 

Source: New York Post

Devon who hails from Barrow in Cumbria claims she slapped on one heavy layer of the mousse by St. Moriz which came in the shade darker than dark.


“I sat down to watch a murder documentary but in the end, I was more mortified when I looked in the mirror than what I saw on the television,” she laughed. 

Source: Nottingham Post

At first, she stared at her feet, only to find them appearing khaki in color. Soon, she was alarmed as things were not going to plan so she rushed to her full-length mirror and what she saw was dark green madness. 

Source: Mirror

She didn’t waste a second and quickly jumped in the shower to get it off which thankfully worked but clearly gave her a mini heart attack before. 


Have you ever experienced anything like this bizarre green-tanning affair?