Categories: Daily top 10news

“If You Haven’t Contracted COVID-19 Yet, You Have NO Friends”- Senior Doctor Explains

With cases in South Korea surpassing the 10 million benchmark on Wednesday, doctors in South Korea claim that if you still haven’t been infected with the viral infection, then you probably have no friends.


According to recent statistics, at least a fifth of the population has been infected with COVID-19 and the cases aren’t coming slow.

Source: Nature

The VP of the Korean Vaccine Society revealed comments on the matter which have now been deleted from social media.


On Wednesday, Reuters announced how the total number of infected cases of COVID-19 topped 10 million and when you actually come to think of it, that’s a huge number for a country that’s South Korea’s size.

Source: Fierce of Pharma

“All of those adults who haven’t been infected with the virus are most likely those who don’t have any friends. And that means the chances of the virus being transmitted from outside are minimal, one leading senior Korean doctor explained.

Source: VOX

A similar statement was released by Ma Sang-hyuk who happens to be the vice president of Korea’s vaccine society. “These are adults who most likely suffer from interpersonal problems”- the VP went on to explain in a post on Facebook last week.


While he may have deleted the post now, it goes without saying that it sparked outrage and criticism across the board. And that’s when so many online viewers were quick to take screenshots of the very widely circulated image online, as revealed by sources.

Source: CSIS

Meanwhile, the VP of the Korean vaccine society tried to remain calm amid the hysteria taking place regarding his comments, and that’s when he chose to defend himself by stating that the comments made on social media were meant to be taken in a metaphorical manner.


On the very same day that it was posted, the country recorded a staggering number of cases that reached a new record of 400,741.