What would you do if you caught your stepdaughter eating fruits from your fridge constantly?
While most people would be happy that a child this young was adopting healthy eating habits, this next story about a stepmom is bound to leave you stunned as she’s got zero interest in feeding her young stepchild.
The woman explains that she’s currently dealing with a financial crunch situation and fruits don’t come cheap. She is just so bothered by the act of someone coming forward and finding it alright to take fruits from her fridge, every time she stocks them up.
While her husband does help her out with the expenses and some part-time work, the funds do not bring in a lot. And in the end, it’s her that has to bear the huge bucketload of expenses on a daily basis.
The woman was seen venting her frustrations out on Mumsnet, and even going to the far extent of calling her stepdaughter greedy to see nothing wrong with this behavior. Now, she’s asking for tips to help ward off the tensions linked to the situation because it’s getting a little too ridiculous for her.
And that’s when netizens stepped in to have their say. People reminded her that although fruits are healthier options, they’re filled with sugar and can’t be eaten in plentiful quantities.
Others gave out the suggestion that complaining to her dad was the best way to go about the situation and prevent any build-up of tension. Meanwhile, quite a few other moms felt that the dad should have been informed a while back because the behavior is not justified by any means.
The other way to curb the matter is rationing all the fruit, and while the idea did sound appealing to some people, others did not quite agree and felt there could be other means through which the matter would be dealt with better. What do you think?