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BREAKING: Supernatural Actor Mark Sheppard Suffers SIX Heart Attacks After Collapsing On Kitchen Floor 

Supernatural actor Mark Sheppard has reportedly suffered from a devastating health condition that resulted in six back-to-back heart attacks.



Sources from local media outlets confirmed how the celeb reportedly collapsed on the kitchen floor and had to be resuscitated a few times. Thankfully, despite the mortifying outcome, he managed to survive all of them and was safely resuscitated back to life. 

Source: Page Six

The star is now said to be in a stable condition and the news broke viral on social media in regards to that. But the star is opening up about the horrific chain of episodes to his fans and how he is doing much better after the scary health outcome. 

Source: Page Six

The star who played the leading role of Crowley in the hit series mentioned through his account over the weekend how he is much better, six attacks later. “I was brought back from the dead, four times. I could not be more grateful to everyone who played a role in saving my life”- he added. 

Source: Page Six

His medical tests displayed how his left anterior descending artery was 100 percent blocked.

The 59-year-old star put out a selfie featuring himself resting on a bed at the hospital. And while he rested, the leading star from Doom Patrol mentioned how his condition was dubbed widowmaker heart attacker because that’s really how severe it was. 

Source: Page Six

The results also spoke about how the events ensued due to the blockage of his biggest artery. And since his attempts at survival were close to zero, the fact that he’s alive today is a huge blessing in itself. 


“I am honored and humbled, and just feel great. Please stop spreading more rumors than necessary”- he added while thanking all of those for showing him great support during this tough time.