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“I Couldn’t Even Flirt!”- Kate Hudson Says She Was Recommended By Therapist To ‘Stay Away From Men’ For One YEAR

Actress Kate Hudson just celebrated her 45th birthday with close family and friends.


But the star did sit down and reflect on her life in detail and how far she’s come today, in regards to balancing her work life with her family life.

Source: Page Six

The star says that nothing comes easy in this world but she does give herself a lot of credit for dealing with so much in the past. When asked about her dating life and experiences with men, she says that she was never too lucky in that department.


It was to such an extent that she was forced to seek help in the form of therapy and that had her steer clear of males for nearly a year.

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Source: Page Six

“I was not allowed to date and that meant zero contact with males”- she continued.point 302 |


And no dating or having conversations with strangers that she did not know in her circle.point 74 | She says that it really affected her but she got used to it.point 122 | And today, she’s happy for the help she sought from professionals and she’s come a long way in terms of healing and personal relationships.point 250 | 1

Source: Page Six

Today, the star is happily in a relationship and has beautiful children. She is taking life one day at a time. And there’s nothing better than that.