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6-Year-Old Girl Makes HISTORY After Becoming The World’s Youngest ‘Home Buyer’

When it comes to purchasing homes, it’s probably the last thing you’d expect from a 6-year-old.


However, Ruby who hails from Melbourne, Australia is proving all the odds against her wrong after making history as the world’s youngest home buyer ever!

Yes, you heard that right. This young girl isn’t into collecting dolls or getting another toy. Instead, she’s going all the way and purchasing her very first home!

Source: New York Post

Ruby McLellan and her sister Lucy and brother Gus have reportedly saved up plenty of cash over the past few years. Whether it’s from doing house chores and assisting their father to package his renowned best-selling book, these children had one clear goal in mind. And that revolved around getting their own residence.


Speaking during a recent live interview for 7 News, the young girl boldly gave her introduction and explained what she was just about to do.

Source; New York Post

“My name is Ruby and I am just six years old and I am so ready to purchase my first house as well,” stated the savvy and confident youngster.


While most girls her age and busy watching cartoons, collecting stickers, or having sleepovers with friends, this young mission is clearly in an ambitious league of her own.

Source: New York Post

Meanwhile, Ruby’s father who happens to be an expert in the world of investment claims that each one of his children actually saved up nearly $2000 so they could pool it all in and purchase the land together.


The partially built house and land cost nearly $671,000 and is located in the southeastern part of Melbourne, in a suburb called Clyde, to be more exact.

Source: Unsplash

The father says he is strong on his predictions and he feels that the value of this land will nearly double in the next decade.


“The price has already gone up by nearly $70,000”- the father explained.

Wow, how’s that for a first-time investment?