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BREAKING: Actress Jodie Foster Confirms She HID Her Career From Her Children

Actress Jodie Foster mentioned recently how she hid her career from her children and many fans cannot believe that the wonderful star could manage to hold the truth away from them for so long.


Foster mentioned how she informed her kids that she was a construction worker and they believed her, for whatever strange reason.

Source: The View

She wished to let them lead a normal life that was far from the glitz and glamour of the outside world. Speaking for the panel at The View recently, she continued to mention how her children are now adults but when they were younger and nieve, she could pull off all the gimmicks that allowed them to steer far away from the world of Hollywood.

Source: The View

Today, when she looks back on the matter, they call her out as someone who hid the truth from them for so long. But Foster says that’s the only reason why they’re so grounded today because they were not forced to deal with the craziness that Hollywood brings with it.

Source: The View

“I guess I just did not wish them to know me in that manner. I wanted them to know who I was as a mother and the person who went away to work and beyond”- she added.


The 61-year-old had the whole panel and audience members in shock first but the more details she started to explain on this front, they loved her even more and found it hilarious yet strange.

Source: Page Six

She admits that perhaps telling them a little sooner would have negatively impacted their lives and as a mother who sees herself as a role model to others, she knew that doing the right thing was in their best interest. And if that meant lying, then so be it. What do you think?