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BREAKING: Matthew Perry SUPERGLUED His Hands Together To ‘Prevent Himself’ From Taking Drugs

Tragic reports are speaking about the ongoing mystery surrounding the sudden death of actor Matthew Perry and now more startling revelations are being talked about linked to the star’s death.


According to reports from local media outlets, the Friends star is still on the mind of his former lover who is now making heads turn with her shocking claims.

Source: Page Six

This includes how Perry reportedly was desperately sad and nothing he did would bring him contentment. The star was going through the worst forms of depression and his mental health was just not on the right page.


Therefore, he is believed to have gone one step further and used drugs all over again. He did not wish to do so and was said to have been clean and drug-free for months. But when things did not work out in his favor, his final resort was drugs, former lover Kayti Edwards mentioned.

Source: Page Six

She also spoke about how she happened to be over one day and she witnessed the unthinkable. The star was just having so much trouble in his life and keeping tabs on his drug use was out of the question. Therefore, he was outlined to be desperately sad and would even go to the last extent of tying his hands down with super glue.

Source: Page Six

Edwards recalled how she watched him do that in front of her eyes. She was speechless. This was not the Perry she knew and watching him behave helplessly behind closed doors was just a tragic sight for her.

Source: Page Six

“We did not have the ideal relationship. After splitting, we still were friends. And I found it hard to see all of this happening. The struggle was not easy and he kept reiterating just that. I do not wish to ever see anyone go through what he did”- she continued to explain.