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“It’s Handmade Goodness!”- Meghan Markle Hits Back After Being Slammed For ‘Ordinary’ Strawberry Jam

Meghan Markle wants the world to know that the latest product from her lifestyle collection is far from ordinary.


The celeb slammed so many of her critics and trolls who mentioned that they expected more from the Duchess of Sussex than just rolling out ordinary strawberry jam.

Source: Tracy Robbins

They were quick to reveal how the jam seemed like it was a very mediocre product and nothing about it screamed royal or luxe. But Meghan says it’s all farm-fresh goodness featuring strawberries from the fields of Montecito.

Source: Delfina Balquier

This is why the packaging is also very unique and signature to what her American lifestyle brand is all about. Moreover, one branding expert says that the product seems very exclusive and it appears that the Duchess ended up making the jam herself.

Source: Tracy Robbins

These were perfectly packaged and sent out to a leading number of close influencers who showcased the products to the masses, adding how excited they were to try Markle’s new venture.


This is from her new brand dubbed Riveria Orchard which would soon be springing into a diverse array of more items.