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Cannes Security Guard SCOLDED By Kelly Rowland Gets SHOVED By Actress Massiel Taveras In Another Heated Incident

The Cannes Film Festival security guard who became notoriously called out by former Desitny’s Child singer Kelly Rowland is back making headlines again.


She’s now being slammed by another leading actress from the industry for misbehaving, leading to an altercation on the red carpet.

Source: Page Six

Dominican actress Massiel Taveras was pictured getting violent with the infamous female staffer after being rushed up the step where she was trying hard to showcase the beauty of her gown and its very long train. But little did she know that her appearance would be interrupted.

Source: Page Six

For now, it’s not quite clear what went wrong and why in terms of the security guard, but it seems like she was being prevented from having her moment of shining glory and that was not something she was going to accept.


At the top of the steps, the star was pictured giving a final wave to the crowd before getting pushed away by security who touched her while she posed. She did not want to be interrupted.

Source: Page Six

Insiders claim that from what can be seen, the star was being forced into the building and she did not like that rude welcome from anyone so she fought back, using her hands, taking many in the arena by surprise.