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JUST IN: King Charles’ Cousin Says The Royal Family Has ‘Hazed’ Meghan Markle & Mocked Kate Middleton In The Past Too

The third cousin of King Charles is shedding light on the way Meghan Markle has been treated by the royal family, calling the period a form of hazing that will pass with time.


She went on to reveal how the British royals have a history of hazing newcomers, especially those that are females and happen to be dating male members of the royal family. She even says that only the toughest survive while speaking for an exclusive interview for The Post recently.


The woman who calls herself King Charles III’s third cousin also gave out a strong piece of advice to Meghan to hang in there until the hazing is over because eventually, it will pass on to someone else in the family.


There was also some discussion about how the ordeal affected Kate Middleton and she used to be mocked. But she also stood her ground and managed to come out victorious so Meghan needs to do the same.

Source: GoffPhotos

Christina Oxenburg is a descendant of the Serbian royalty who Charles as her third cousin.


“Nobody gets a pass, including Kate Middleton so Meghan Markle must remember that”- she repeated.

The 59-year-old is both a writer as well as a fashion designer. She is also the sister of lead actress Catherine Oxenberg. Their mom is Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia, who was very close to the current King Charles III.

Source: Daily Mail

Oxenburg says she has lived most of her life among the British royal family and she knows everything in terms of insider details. Hence, that’s why she adds that these things are very normal and a part of life. When you enter the royal family, you must understand that this happens and it’s being publicized on television too.

Source: Getty Images

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