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Customer Left ‘Speechless’ After ANGRY Food Delivery Driver Leaves Baffling Note & Cash On His Car

If you’re not a fan of the tipping culture or simply can’t be bothered to pay a little extra to your takeaway delivery driver, then this next story is sure to be worth your while.


One Reddit user from Canada is revealing how his food delivery driver chose to express his anger by writing a personal note on his car, right after making the food delivery.

Source: Unsplash

Putting up the post on social media, the person who chose to keep his identity anonymous shared the incident via an image of the note that was reportedly put inside a ziplock bag that he claims were specially kept for him by the driver.

Source: Mirror

But the message did not come alone. It also happened to feature a total amount of $1.98 as change too.

On most occasions, customers often tell the drivers to keep the loose change as a kind gesture of appreciation for their hard work. But over here, things may have taken a turn for the worst.


But wait, that’s not exactly what happened.

Source: Mirror

If you think the customer here was wrong and he cheaped out, well, think again. And that’s because his post showed that he had actually tipped him a respectable amount of $10.


The snap was captioned, “Food delivery driver left a note on our car in a bag with $1.95 and a very passive-aggressive message. Although we actually tipped him nearly $10,” it read. The customer also added how the restaurant is reportedly only 10 minutes away from his house but still, he felt that the driver deserved the amount.

Source: Daily Star

Well, the driver wrote to the customer, “Here’s some spare change you clearly need more than I do. Keep it for your next delivery driver’s tip. Stay safe.”


Within an instant, the image went viral and more than 6000 people liked it too and even commented on how the customer shouldn’t have left the tip in the first place for a driver with such a stinky attitude.