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Husband Gives Pregnant Wife A Kiss Before The Delivery Not Knowing She’d Die After Giving Birth To Quadruplets

They say childbirth is never an easy process and you’re lucky if it turns out to be a smooth sailing process in the end.


This is the story of a man who was more than elated to find out that he and his wife would soon be expecting not one but four babies. The dad named Carlos Morales says they prepared so much for the new arrival of their beautiful bundles of joy. But little did he know that life is so unpredictable and his wife would soon no longer be by his side.

Source: People

Moments before his wife went into labor, he gave her a kiss on her forehead. He held her hand and told her how much she means to him. This was his final kiss goodbye but he obviously had no clue.


Morales is a single dad today to four beautiful children. His wife didn’t make it out alive after the delivery, leaving him heartbroken and struck with grief.

Source: Carlos Morales

He had no idea that complications would get so severe that he would end up losing the love of his life but this was a part of his destiny and he had to accept the bitter reality.

Source: KSAZ

“People tend to ask me why or how come I am so strong?”- the father of four mentioned. And that’s when he added that it has to do with a simple fact. You’re never really prepared for what life is going to throw at you. And for his, he’s got four huge reasons to live because his kids depend on him now.

Source: Facebook

While his Erica is no more, he strongly believes she is looking down at him from the heavens above and smiling, He knows that she would be so proud of him and everything he’s managed to accomplish alone.