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“My Brother Made His Wife Take A ‘Boys Only Pact’ To Stop Them Conceiving Girls! How Thankless Can One Be?”

Having a child comes with plenty of responsibility and this next story is sure to blow your mind.



One woman says she was left scratching her head after finding out that her college-educated brother had such a guilty mindset. And that he and his wife entered into a startling pact regarding conceiving children that’s now blowing her mind. 

Source: Pixabay

The couple says they’re fed up with having girls and now want to expand their family with boys only. For this reason, the husband has signed a pact with his wife as they’re currently trying for a baby. 


While they’re yet to have another, they know for sure it’s going to be a boy and that certainty made the man’s sister question the ordeal. Hence, when she learned about the pact, she was beyond disgusted. 

Source: Pixabay

It just did not make sense to her and she felt it was high time she called out her brother for forcing his wife to do something that she felt was wrong for so many reasons. 


“My brother is beyond delusional. He believes having a son can help him solve the world’s problems and I find that to be so off-putting and insulting. Hence, I had to confront him about this mindset and how wrong I feel it is”- she added. 

Source: Pixabay

She made her brother upset after mentioning that she wanted him to know that such behavior was not right. Then she told him that the best karma would be for him to have all girls so that this way, he would understand what it’s like to be a good man after being surrounded by all women. 

Source: Pixabay

“I love my brother and the fact that he stands for issues like feminism. But this is just not alright. I’m devastated and upset. I expect better from someone like him!”- she concluded.