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4-Year-Old Friends Insist They’re Twins Because Their Bond Is Deeper Than The Color Of Their Skin

Two young girls are proving to the world that you don’t have to be siblings to be twins.



Jia Sarnicola and Zuri Copeland may be just four but from the way they speak, you’d probably assume they’re much older. The adorable girls are proving science wrong in regards to the concept highlighted about twins.

Source: Shareably

They’re inventing their own facts and want the world to know that they are twins. And if you think that cannot be possible, based on the color of their skin, well, think again. Moreover, if you beg to disagree with what they have to say, well, you’re going to get one bold reply from them. 


No guesses for trying because they’ll just tell you that you don’t know anything! When you actually come to think of it, these girls could be right. 

Source: Shareably

You don’t have to be related by blood or appear a certain way to be called a twin. You simply don’t even have to look similar. For them, it’s the bond that goes way deeper than blood or usual friendship and they’d like to keep it in that manner. 

Source: Shareably

Further conversations with the duo will explain how and why they want to be known as twins. For starters, they’ve got the same birthday. And they also speak about having the same soul! And if that was not enough, they’re now speaking about how those who don’t agree should come face them and they’ll prove them wrong. 

Source: Shareably

Their cute little story is winning hearts around the globe for obvious reasons. People just find it hard to believe that their bond at this age is so strong and how wise these kids are to preach something that no adult could ever be close to. 


What do you think about the concept shared by these two girls? Can you be twins despite having different skin colors?