Some relationships are like no other and this next story about a woman and her stepson is the perfect example of the most heartwarming bond.
Christine Werts says she was born and raised in Ohio and her childhood was certainly not an easy ordeal. This is all thanks to the fact that she grew up in foster care. Hence, after learning more about how her husband’s wife died after her delivery and her child had no place to go, she stepped in to rescue him.
She explained how the only option seemed to give him up for adoption and hence, make him go through the brutal affair that’s linked to foster care. Therefore, she says that it is not going to happen.
The Ohio-based mom says she has a big heart and is all about giving and spreading love. Hence, she did not hesitate or think twice about this. She welcomed this new bundle of joy with open arms and opted to blend in the two families and unite them as one big happy union.
She did face criticism from her family members as not a lot of people thought the whole idea would work but she could care less about what other people thought.
This was an innocent child who had no clue about the troubled life ahead of him and learning that his mom was no more was in itself the most heartbreaking memory he’d have to live with for the rest of his life.
While her husband had separated from this child’s mom a few years back, she knew that he still had the responsibility of looking after the child and that’s why she did not hesitate.
What are your thoughts on this mother’s selfless act of kindness? Let us know in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.