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Worrying Images of Ben Affleck Emerge Outside His Rental Home Amid Jennifer Lopez Split Rumors

Ben Affleck was seen puffing out a cigarette inside his sports car, right before he entered his home.


Moments later, a pizza delivery was seen arriving at the residence which comprises a $100k a month rental mansion.

Source: X

The star was pictured sporting a blue-toned shirt while his sleeves were all the way rolled up. He was relaxing inside the driver’s seat, not realizing that he was being filmed this whole time.


The famous Good Will Hunting actor got two separate food deliveries that same day and there was a point that seemed like he was drowning his depression with food and nicotine as fans wished the star well and hoped all the problems linked to his personal life would end soon.


It was interesting how the new rental home is located just a few minutes away from where his ex Jennifer Garner lives, who is said to be the real mediator between the pair and hopes the duo can sort things out at their own given time and make it work.


Both stars are currently busy with work with JLo taking part solo with her film promotions while Affleck is busy with the filming of The Accountant 2.


Seeing them live separately has really had rumor mills running about how they could soon be heading toward a divorce.