Categories: Daily top 10Entertainment

Jennifer Lopez Branded ‘Desperate For Attention’ After Posing Against New Billboard

In case you’re still wondering, you shouldn’t be fooled by the rocks because JLo says she’s still Jenny from the Block.


The singer was seen posing against a new billboard that had a clear message to the world, amid her personal life drama. JLo says ‘don’t f*ck with me’ and that can mean more things than one.

Source: Page Six

The star’s marriage seems to have hit a new roadblock. Her relationship with actor Ben Affleck isn’t going too great as the pair were spotted together after seven weeks. They are no longer living in their dream home that they purchased together and if that was not enough, Ben is also avoiding wearing his wedding band.

Source: Page Six

It’s been reported that Affleck’s former wife is being the mediator between him and Jen to try and solve the matter but what exactly is the issue is not clear until now.


Watching JLo stop in Los Angeles to take a selfie where she can be seen posing against a very bold billboard was an interesting call but not everyone appreciated it. Some felt it was crying out loud for attention and she’s already getting plenty of it. Did we mention how that star is being asked about her marriage, time and time again but she blatantly refuses to answer?

Source: Page Six

If things weren’t already bad, her new movie Atlas has crashed at the Box Office and she’s going solo to promote it and even attended the premiere alone. Clearly, it’s been a rough time for the star. What do you think?