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“Animals Were Given Priority Over Hardworking Men & Women”- Marine Who Put ‘Soldiers At Risk’ For Animal Rescue Mission In Kabul SLAMMED

Former Royal Marine Pen Farthing is being slammed by officials for convincing the Government to carry out his charity’s rescue mission, putting so many others’ lives in danger.


British soldiers were at great risk when they entered Kabul and were forced to evacuate nearly 170 cats and dogs that reportedly belonged to Farthing’s animal charity.

Source: PA

A whistleblower from the country’s foreign office has gone on to speak about how the decision is not only unfair but wrong on so many levels as hardworking men and women were left in the war-torn country at their fate while animals were given priority over them.


The animals had previously been looked after by his charity in Kabul which goes by the name of Nowzad.

Meanwhile, Raphael Marshall explained to MPs how he certainly agreed with the decision on how the military was wrong to side with Farthing and his charity, which was held above other translators.

Source: Daily Mail

“There was certainly no reason to hold that doubt in mind that the Taliban were against animals or would treat animals with some sort of cruelty,” explained the bold whistleblower.


In addition to that, he revealed how there was also no indication whatsoever that the charity’s workers were at risk ever, and hence that makes way to the argument revolving around why so many innocent people were left behind when they were high-risk.

Source: Shutterstock

“They were at risk of murder but were not given any preference. Please try to understand that the United Kingdom’s war aim in the country of Afghanistan was certainly not the protection of domestic animals,” he went on to add.


For this reason, Mr. Marshall believes that the trade-off made between transporting animals and evacuating British nationals was definitely uncalled for. This includes how so many Afghans who sided with British soldiers during the war were left behind.

Source: The Times

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