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BREAKING: Actor Kevin Costner CONFIRMS His Estranged Wife Charged Legal Fees, A CAR, & Cash Advances On His Credit Card

Actor Kevin Costner is blowing up with rage and he’s going public about his very ugly divorce battle with his estranged wife Christine.


The star reportedly mentioned how she had the audacity to charge a legal fee on his credit card that included a car, cash advances, and some legal fees of her lawyer that she hired for the divorce.

Source: FilmMagic

The 68-year-old Yellowstone star added how charging such expensive things on his card without his permission was outrageous and she was going to pay for all of this.


Insiders have already spoken about how the star is not a happy man and will do anything and everything possible to try and get his revenge on her. “She cannot get away with it!”- Costner’s team of lawyers have gone on to explain in public. This is one day after they accused Christine of taking chunks of his property too.

Source: WireImage

Christine charging her attorney fees for the ugly divorce battle is what has really taken people by shock. They feel it’s outrageously devastating to know that something like this is taking place under his nose.


Other reports stated how the star’s estranged wife charged them on the employee’s office which handles Costner’s family house charges. And that’s crazy how she would think that she could get away with it.

Source: WireImage

More shocking findings added how she had been taking a series of cash advances on a whole number of cards that were not issued to her but happened to be issued to staff members.


And for all of this to be taking place without any form of consent or approval by Costner is just mindblowing, another insider source explained.

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Source: WireImage

Leasing an automobile before the couple’s separation is another huge shock, sources have gone on to explain that took a lot of people by storm.point 361 |


This clearly shows how her plans of making an exit with the actor’s assets began way before they actually separated, and that’s extremely disastrous and deceiving behavior when you come to think of it.point 180 | 1