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Newlyweds Rocked The Reception Party With A Choreographed Dance They Practiced For Three Months

A newly married couple’s elaborate first dance from their South Carolina wedding has taken the internet by storm.


Their choreographed dance video has been viewed more than five million times on Facebook.

Austin Luttrell and Lindsay Neeley got married on Saturday in the city of Anderson, with a highly choreographed first dance. The video lasts over three minutes and is action-packed from the beginning to the end. Lindsay’s cousin, Julianne Loven shared the video on Facebook.


She told that what impressed her most was that despite no coordination whatsoever, they rocked their first dance and made everyone present their memory to take home.


Their dance truly showed their love for each other, and you can see it in the video too. You can see how genuinely happy they both are when they are together.


Julianne said that Austin and Lindsay didn’t live in the same town before the wedding, so they practiced whenever they could meet in person, and sometimes, over FaceTime. It took the couple about three months to practice their dance.

They never missed to smile out wide and the beats while they were dancing. During one step, Lindsay showed how she has complete trust and faith in her new husband by falling back into his arms.


Then they slowed it down and switched to more traditional moves. The guests at the wedding can be seen enjoying every bit of it, some surprised while others were just living the moment.


They make a lovely couple.

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