Categories: lifenews

Newborn Baby Boy With Unclamped Umbilical Cord Found Alive On Top Of Garbage Can

Police officers received a disturbing report about a newborn baby boy abandoned on top of a garbage can with the umbilical cord still attached to his body.


Fire officials in Chicago said that a mother and daughter found the baby and brought him to a fire station where he was treated and transported immediately to a hospital.


The mother and daughter said they heard a baby crying and when they searched for it, they found a tiny boy on top of a garbage can. He was only a few hours old with his unclamped umbilical cord attached.

They immediately brought the baby to a fire station but he was then “blue, unresponsive, no pulse.”


Fortunately, paramedics managed to revive the baby as they rushed him to a hospital where he remains in critical condition.


“I don’t know what it’s like to have a child, be pregnant, and be in some horrible circumstances where you are driven to do something like this. It almost sounds diabolical,” said Patrick Fitzmaurice, paramedics field chief.

“But come to us, call 911. We would’ve taken the baby to one hospital and her to another hospital. We won’t judge. Don’t leave your baby in an alley. Come to a firehouse. Leave the baby there. Give the kid a chance.”


The spokesman of Lurie Children’s Hospital told NBC Chicago: “The little guy is crying and kicking.”

Chicago police said the 17-year-old father and 16-year-old mother are facing attempted murder charges. New reports revealed that the woman who took the baby to the fire station was actually the child’s grandmother.


37-year-old Karla Antimo has also been charged with filing a false report for lying about how she discovered the baby.

The girl admitted that she wrapped her baby in a towel and left him on top of the garbage can. The boy called Antimo, his mother, and said their baby was in the alley.

Karla L. Antimo, 37

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