Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

Needy Dog Climbed On Laptop To Get His Owner’s Attention


Pets truly are a blessing and when we read stories of people who abuse their pets or simply neglect them, it’s easy to think that humans don’t really deserve to have these wonderful creatures in their lives.


Fortunately, the majority of the people out there are pet lovers or even if they’re not crazy about pets still respect the animals enough to not do them any harm.

Watch this dog try to get its owner’s attention below.

[rumble video_id=v5v3sj domain_id=u7nb2]


Video credit: Rumble

The problem is that some people don’t realize that they are taking responsibility for a living creature and this means that their pet has needs. More often than not, some people see some cute dog pics on social media and make the impulsive decision to buy one but haven’t really internalized the fact that they’re not buying some stuffed animal they can play with and then keep on the shelf when not needed.


Aside from the basic needs of food, shelter, and medicine, a pet also needs your loving attention because these guys have feelings, too. And the following video hilariously demonstrates that fact.


We can see this emotionally needy dog who’s just craving for attention. He whimpers and even scratches his paw at his owner to get her attention. However, she’s busy on the laptop and doesn’t pay her dog any mind.

Apparently not one to take being ignored sitting down, the pooch gets up on his hind legs and proceeds to get on top of his owner’s laptop in an effort to make her stop what she’s doing and finally give him some attention. As can be expected, the move worked.


So if you thought only cats do these types of stunts, this video definitely disproves that fact and shows that even dogs can have crazy ideas at times that can rival the antics of their feline friends.


While this clip is a hilarious and adorable example of a dog trying to attract its owner’s attention, it’s also a reminder that when one has a pet, one should be sensitive at any of the signals that their pet is giving out. They may not be capable of human speech but pets still try to communicate with their owners.


Barking is one of the most common ways that dogs try to communicate with their owners. Depending on the frequency and tone, it could mean something as simple as noticing the neighbor’s cat or warning of an intruder in the house. Whimpering can be a sign of fear or distress although, in this clip, it was the dog simply being needy.


It’s up to the owner to learn their pet’s quirks in order to build a better bond with them.

