Categories: HealthHealthlife

Natural Home Remedies For Dealing With Blackheads, Warts, Moles, Age Spots, And Skin Tags

The skin is our bodies’ largest organ which happens to be exposed to external factors such as air pollution, dirt, chemicals, sunlight, etc.


These influencers significantly impact its condition and may, in conjunction with other factors such as stress, unhealthy diet, and excessive oil production, cause various skin problems.

While moles, warts, blackheads, age spots, and skin tags are nothing uncommon, you surely want to get rid of them as soon as possible.


To do this naturally and avoid further damaging your skin, check out the remedies below that can help you eliminate the most common skin conditions!

1. Blackheads

As hair follicles (pores) get clogged with dead skin cells and oil that sebaceous glands produce, they form bumps called comedones. When the skin on top of the comedones breaks, air causes them to transform into a blackhead.



The best way to address blackheads is by applying lemon juice. This will help you tighten the pores and remove blackheads. However, make sure to use the juice with consideration and wash it off if irritation occurs. Furthermore, avoid sunlight after applying the remedy as your skin will be more sensitive for a while.


2. Warts

Warts are a result of human papillomavirus that causes bumps on the skin. These can easily be removed with the help of apple cider vinegar thanks to its acidic nature.



Take a cotton ball and dip it into a mixture of one-third water and two-thirds apple cider vinegar. Then, apply the solution on your warts and let it stay on overnight. Follow the process once per day until the warts fall off.

3. Moles

Moles are composed of pigment-producing skin cells known as melanocytes. When these formations get exposed to the sunlight, they darken and may appear where you didn’t notice them before.



To remove moles naturally, you can apply garlic paste. Make it yourself by crushing a garlic clove until it’s well-mashed. Then, rub some Vaseline around the mole to prevent irritation and place the garlic paste over the mole with a cotton swab.


4.  Age Spots

While they can be grey, black, or brown in color, age spots represent flat formations on the skin that occur as a part of the aging process. Fortunately, they can be managed naturally using onions which are known to promote exfoliation. All you need to do is rub a slice of freshly cut onion on your age spots a few times per day.



5. Skin Tags

Skin tags are benign growths that most often form in areas with folded skin such as eyelids, armpits, breasts, and groin. While they aren’t particularly dangerous, you might consider removing them with the use of tea tree oil.



Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil and apply the mixture on your skin tags. Then, seal them up with a bandage and let the oil sit overnight. Repeat this remedy on a daily basis until the skin tags dry up and fall off.


Did you try any of the above solutions before? Let us know how it worked out for you in the comments below. Also, feel free to SHARE this post with your friends and family to help them say goodbye to these common skin conditions!