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Terrifying Moment Sushi Walked Away From Customer’s Dish


A man who was about to eat his sushi was couldn’t believe the sight before his eyes.


Recently, a video from Twitter has become a hot topic among community users.

Photos, pixabay

A man living in Japan was eating sushi. After tasting several sushi, he decided chose the one which had clams placed on top of them.


But the clam that wrapped the rice suddenly began to move like the video below.

He was both amazed and shocked, and he took this video and uploaded it to his Twitter account.


This video has been retweeted more than 100,000 times and has become a very popular video among people who are living overseas.

In the video, the clam appears to lift one side of the body by itself, so it makes you wonder if this clam is still alive.

Photos, pixabay

When the video became well-known, one of the media asked Dr. Karl Roberts, a marine ecologist, about the clam’s condition in the video.

Photos, pixabay

“The shell has a very simple nervous system, rather than the brain there are three pairs of ganglion distributed throughout the body that coordinates the physical activity,” he answered.


In fact, this case is not very rare, in some markets in Japan, a video was taken where a beheaded halved fish was seen still moving about.

Have you seen anything like this before? Share your experience in the comments below!