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Mom FIGHTS Child’s Bully HERSELF On School Bus In Alabama

A mother was recently arrested by cops in Alabama after she reportedly assaulted her child’s suspected bully on a school bus herself.


The accused was identified by state officials as Nannatt Waldrop who assaulted an 11-year-old child because she felt he was involved in bullying her child. Therefore, the mom stepped on board and decided to take matters into her own hand by beating up the child.

Source: The Independent

Cops claim that 37-year-old Nannatt showed no sympathy or remorse for the bully, forgetting how he was still an 11-year-old student. Yet she felt it was perfectly okay for her to go on the yellow bus which stopped at Center Point last Tuesday during the morning hours.


And that’s when the mother began attacking the 11-year-old in the most violent manner, explained witnesses. When people shouted at the mother to please stop and show some sympathy as he was still an elementary schooler, she refused to listen and continued to beat him up.

Source: Helpguide

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department confirmed the violent nature of the incident, adding how the mother was immediately arrested by officers for the horrifying behavior.


Soon enough, a video of the incident was released online, sparking outrage across the state with many calling for the mother’s arrest and punishment over the act. And that’s when local media outlets were quick to reveal how the mother was in fact charged with trespassing and assault, alongside disorderly conduct too.

Source: Parents

On the other hand, the superintendent for all the schools in Jefferson County called the mother’s behavior absolutely unacceptable, adding how there was simply no room for any kind of violence.

Source: YouTube

“Behavior like this will never be tolerated,” he added. Similarly, he continued by mentioning how the matter is now in the hands of law enforcement agencies and that it was just too violent and disturbing to talk about.