Categories: Familylife

Furious Mum Challenged Teen Who Was Bullying Her Son In Explicit Confrontation

A furious mother has lashed out at her teen child’s bully and threatened to rip his face off in an explicit confrontation.


The incident, which later ended up on Twitter, was caught on camera by the alleged bully who was recording the upset London-based mother as she approached him.


In her confrontation, the mother, who remains unidentified as of this writing, threatened the teen to rip his face off if he continued to bully her son.


While the entitled bully immediately tried to get rid of the mamma bear by saying “you can’t touch me, you ain’t allowed to touch me,” she continued to poke and scream at him.


After tying up her hair for better mobility, the mum once again stepped towards the bully and gave him a firm warning.


“I ain’t from around here, you know who I am? I’m [kid’s name] mother, I’m [kid’s name] mother, yeah. No, I ain’t gonna stop getting close,” she yelled.


“Touch my son again and I’ll rip your fu****g face off, I’ll rip your mum’s face off, your dad’s face off … touch him I dare you too. I fu****g dare you too. Know yourself, know yourself, know yourself.


“I’m warning you, I’m warning you – one more f*****g time but I can’t touch you yeah I’m getting all up in your face.”

After the confrontation went viral, the viewers were left divided, whereas some suggested she did what had to be done while others said she went too far.

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“Good on her! Kid knows his rights too much ‘you’re not allowed to touch me’ yet doesn’t know how to behave towards others,” someone wrote.


“Can understand her anger, but seriously?! Wrong approach. Completely inappropriate,” one person argued.

Nikolay Titov – Getty Images

The majority of parents, however, agreed that the mother probably just did what had to be done to protect her son. As some suggested, she most likely contacted the school and the boy’s parents with little success to end bullying before taking the matter into her own hands.


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