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Heartbreak As Orphaned Mountain Gorilla DIES In The Arms Of Her Care Taker Park Ranger

The famous mountain gorilla who gained viral sensation after posing with her care taker in a selfie has now passed away at the age of 14.


The heartbreaking news was shared from Congo, which is where the incident took place. 

The exact location where the gorilla was kept was identified as Virunga National Park and that is situated in the eastern province of Congo. Moreover, that is also where she was rescued as a two month old infant by her park ranger care taker.

Source: VIrunga National Park

For 14 long years, the gorilla was cared by the park ranger and now, her caretaker is sharing the most emotional and sentimental thoughts regarding her death.


“It honestly feels like I lost a life-long friend. She died in my arms. I rescued her when she was just an infant. Her mother had been shot by the militia and that’s how she had been orphaned. Hence, I took it upon me as a responsibility to look after,” the park ranger named Bauma revealed. 

Source: Facebook

Named Ndakasi, the gorilla rose to instant viral fame after her image with Bauma went viral on social media. She was pictured with another fellow orphan gorilla named Ndeze in the year 2019. 

Source: Virunga National Park

The announcement of her death was made in the most heartbreaking manner after Bauma revealed how the gorilla was last clicked taking her final breaths while lying in her care taker’s arms. 


Local media outlets published the images which many call a harrowing scene from the Virunga National Park, situated in the eastern province of Congo. 

Source: Virunga National Park

Many shared their condolences and emotional thoughts on the image as they had gotten so close to the gorilla and her cute actions. The beloved gorilla is beleived to have passed away from a prolonging illness that resulting in her condition deteriorating at a swift pace.