Categories: Familylife

Single Mom Who Has 10 Children With Different Fathers Insisted She Doesn’t Have Babies To Claim Benefits

A single mother who has 10 children with four different fathers said she doesn’t have kids to claim benefits.


Each week, Sonya gets £400 in government handouts. She lives in a four-bed council apartment in Southampton with 8 of her children.

However, the single mom said living on benefits was hard and insisted that she ‘doesn’t have babies to have benefits.’

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“I was in a marriage where I thought we’d be together for ever, but obviously we weren’t. I’m not having babies for benefits,” Sonya said.


“When I fell pregnant with any of them my first thought wasn’t ‘I’m going to claim some benefits.’ My first thought was ‘I’ve got a beautiful baby here’.”

Sonya revealed that it was hard to give them presents and treat them to lunch or dinners out.

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“I go through one box of cereal in two days, so I get four boxes in a week,” she added. “It’s hard being on benefits, but my kids do deserve to have a bit more. But then I can’t expect to sit on my a*** and let the taxpayers pay for my children.


“My main priority is my rent and then food for the children, so out of £400-a-week I have £150 left to budget for the rest of the week – and that’s it.”

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The mother also said that her children even got hyped with small things, such as a school uniform.


“I don’t really do anything with my kids,” she expressed. “I wouldn’t say they miss out as they’ve never had it to miss it, but it’d be nice to treat them once in a blue moon.”

The single mom said she was also supported by her mother to raise her children.

5Star Me & My 10 Kids

One internet user commented: “If she brings them up well then no complaints from me. Better than 10 people from abroad.”


Another wrote: “Why do people like her complain about having no money yet continue to pop out even more kids? She doesn’t have job and expects those that do to pay for her and her offspring?”

A third added: “save your benefit money and have your womb removed! Or maybe that would be done for free? Something you should put on your “to do” list!”

5Star Me & My 10 Kids

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