Categories: life

Mother Spoke Out After Incident Involving Two Dogs Hurting Her Little Boy

We have heard about the story of two dogs biting off a toddler’s arm, which caused many people to believe it wasn’t the dog’s fault but the parents’.


Thousands of people signed a petition to save the husky’s life, maintaining that the dog wasn’t aggressive and had only been playing.

During the first coverage, the child’s family was busy with helping their son. Now that they have some time, Hope Elizabeth Brown wants to share their side of the story so people can better understand the situation.


Brown posted on Facebook: “On Sunday our son was involved in a brutal attack where a husky went under our fence and bit Austin’s hand and then attempted to pull him back under the fence.


“Our baby lost his arm from the elbow down because it was ingested by the dog. He has multiple other bites up as well as severe bruising on his face and jaw and a black eye.

“We won’t get into all the details of his attack but to say that we are all struggling is an understatement. He had emergency surgery Sunday, another surgery this morning, and will have another Thursday for now. We can use all the prayers, support, and help we can get.”


“With so much confusion out there on what truly happened to our little boy, I would love nothing more then to set the record straight,” she added.


“I wish I could show police reports and a picture of what was left of his arm that the ER took, where his entire forearm was chewed off 5 centimeters below his elbow.

“None of that matters, the county officials made their decision and the dogs won’t be returning back. They’re considered dangerous, shouldn’t that be enough for everyone to understand and see that he was attacked? It was an unprovoked attack.


“His daddy had eyes on him the entire time and the moment Austin was pulled John was right there. He ran right over.”

“When we asked Austin what happened that first few seconds he said ‘I saw a puppy nose! I touched the puppy nose and it bit my fingers and pulled me’. It only took a second for one of those dogs to dig under the fence just enough to get his snout and part of his head under.


“Our son LOVES dogs, Huskies are beautiful dogs. Of course a little boy would reach behind him to pet the dog. What child wouldn’t? That dog was in Austin’s space so to a little boy of course it was safe. That second was all it took.”


Brown further explained: “Even IF my son tried to pet them on their side dogs can SMELL so much better then humans can, dogs can HEAR so much better then we can.

“This is NOT normal dog behavior. All the screaming from a grown man and a child and they wouldn’t let go? How is that normal dog behavior? We thank the lord they won’t be coming back and our child is safe again.”


The owners of the Huskies surrendered them and the dogs will keep their lives but will have to stay in an animal sanctuary.


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