Categories: life

A Mother Shares Pictures Which Shows What Can Happen if a Child Swallows a Battery

Sarah Hunstead, who is a concerned mother, shares pictures to warn other parents about what can happen if their little ones swallow batteries.


The CPR kids founder left one button battery on the chicken fillet to see the effect that it leaves after coming in contact with the flesh. After checking it every 30 minutes, the different outcomes were described.


After a few hours of battery still being placed there, the skin was all burnt, leaving a black mark.


Sarah said that after every 30 minutes, the battery was just causing more and more damage. After looking at these pictures, one can think the amount of damage it will cause if a child swallows it.

If there’s ever an emergency with the child, then every parent should take immediate actions without putting it off for a longer time.


A lot of parents appreciated Sarah post on social media as it brought the danger of such things to their attention.


One parent commented the after effects of what happened to her son when he swallowed a 10C coin. The coin stayed inside his stomach until next day till he was taken to the hospital where they got to know that it burnt the stomach linings.

Due to the burn, the child’s esophagus went through burning hell, and after that day, the mother stopped leaving such things around her in her house.


According to the battery controlled website, children who are under the age of four are the ones who have the greatest risk of swallowing these small things.


It was also explained that when the battery is stuck in the child’s throat, it creates an electrical current with the saliva, which further causes a chemical reaction and burns the oesophagus.


The child starts coughing and drooling unnecessarily when they come in contact with such a situation. It is important for the parents to take care that they do not leave any batteries or coins at their home, which can easily at reach to their children.


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