Categories: Healthlife

Mother’s Pregnancy Sickness Left Her Vomiting 50 TIMES A Day For The Whole 9 Months

A mom has shared her ‘hell of a pregnancy’ story after an illness caused her to vomit up to 50 times a day for the whole 9 months.


30-year-old Hannah Dalton was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. The condition left her unable to hold down food, and she became bedridden for 6 months.

For the final three months, she was wheelchair-bound. She had to learn how to walk again after giving birth to her baby girl Alexandra.


Mrs. Dalton vomited up to 50 times a day, with noises and faint smells triggering excruciating episodes. Because she couldn’t hold food down, she became so malnourished and clumps of her hair started falling out.


“After throwing up 10 or 20 times you don’t always bring things up, but I was over a bucket 50 times a day at least,” she shared.

“Rolling over would make me throw up, things that you don’t even think smell like other humans, animals, flowers, and I just mean how they smelt normally, not body odour or wetness – all of it would affect me.


“I could only move with a wheelchair after six months of being in bed, I had to learn how to walk again because my body had forgotten how to move normally.


“I became so malnourished that my hair was falling out, it was just awful. I was bed-bound for six months of my pregnancy.”

As soon as she gave birth to her baby, all symptoms disappeared. Alexandra was born perfectly healthy.


“It was instant, I still get the odd reflex when I hear, taste or smell what used to trigger me but other than that all is back to normal,” Mrs. Dalton said.

“I had lost nearly two stone because of the sickness, and Alexandra weighed 6lbs 10oz, born April 2.


“My first meal was fantastic, I had toast and tea but I loved it so much I even took a picture of it. I’m just glad I got through it and my baby was healthy – that’s the main thing.”


Mrs. Dalton said the hardest part of being ill was not being able to look after her first child. “The hardest part was that I couldn’t look after my daughter, Elizabeth, who is only three.

“I couldn’t pick her up, make her food, take her outside, just the sound of her favorite television show would make me throw up.”


She added: “It felt amazing when the symptoms went, it was like my life started again.”

It is not clear how many women get hyperemesis gravidarum but it is thought to be 1 in every 100. Symptoms of HG include prolonged and severe vomiting and nausea, dehydration, weight loss, ketosis, and low blood pressure.


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