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Mother MURDERS Three Of Her Children And Then Criticizes “Teen Mom” For Being “Bad Mothers” On Her Blog

Liliana Carrillo, mother of the three children, stabbed her kids to death and had been on the run before being taken into custody by the Los Angeles Police Department.


Carrillo, 30, had been driving up north and had hijacked another car in the process of running away from her hometown. Sources have found that there have been links to social media accounts being run by the convict, which are mostly hypocritical because she had been writing inspirational messages and confessions dedicated on her lifestyle.


Her blog called “Blogging For Good” features other posts such as criticizing teenage mothers for being a “bad mother,” calling them out as people who “physically and emotionally abuse their partners and then victimize themselves,” on hit-show Teen Mom.

nthatswhyimbeautiful / Instagram

Other posts include messages that are waiting for opportunities for change, changes that’ll affect her life thereon and addressing that she is “not perfect, I still have many issues but overall I am happy and proud of my past. I love my present life and look forward to my future,”


Speaking about the Teen Mom issue, she states to “forgive me if this offends anyone but it is my opinion and I hold strongly to it, just idiot after idiot. I do not feel pity for them,”

“There’s no denying that there are a few mothers in the show who progress from their situations and grow from their troubles but there are others that I am shocked as to how or why they still have custody of their child,”

nthatswhyimbeautiful / Instagram

Carrillo posts even more life – inspiring and changing quotes, saying that she was “blessed with a mother whom also played the role of a strict father and an even more loving and caring sibling unit,”


Sources say that she struggled with her identity based on her Instagram and blog posts, calling herself as “selfish” and a “manipulator,”

Going back to the scene of the murder, the children were found inside an apartment on the morning that the mother had fled. Coming home from work, she discovers all three of Carrillo’s children to have been stabbed to death.


The children all appeared to be younger than five years old, being found on Saturday morning. Officials are currently investigating further on the situation, and Carrillo has been convicted after being caught hijacking another car.


Neighbors comment that the children “were such sweet little ones, An angel shouldn’t have to go that way,”
