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Mother Almost Lost One Of Her Eyes After Buying A £6.50 Magic Wand

Watch the mother who almost lost one of her eyes after buying a magic wand


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Video Credit: Rumble

A 44-year-old mother almost lost one of her eyes after she bought a £6.50 magic wand for Christmas on eBay.

Clarissa Clary, from Canvey Island, Essex, bought a two-inch magic wand that extends to five-foot with just one click of a button for her 16-year-old son, Caine.


She bought the magic wand from a private seller on eBay for her son. She wrapped it and put it in a box to gift her son on Christmas Eve.


However, the mother-of-three accidentally clicked the button while picking up the box and it hit her in the face, leaving her covered in blood.


She was rushed to the hospital where doctors told her that it could have damaged her brain.

She said: “I was in a daze for quite a few hours holding onto my head. At the time my dad and daughter were laughing at me and I actually laughed at the time too. But then my dad said: ‘Are you okay?’ because it knocked me to the floor.”


“I was holding onto my head and he said: “Let me have a look” and then blood starts pouring from it. I had blood all over my face and my arms. It was purely the force of it that caused it and it was a sharp bit of metal on the end.”


“This object has metal fragments and oil in it. I might need an operation to remove the debris from it, I basically need a plastic surgeon! They have to remove whatever’s there and stitch it up. I’ll be scarred forever. I have an infection under the wound and a lump and it keeps swelling up.”


The mother contacted the seller on eBay to report the incident after a number of people messaged her saying they were going to purchase the same magic wand.


She said: “To think of children getting this or even adults getting this and if a child accidentally knocks it and sets it off. It’s horrific. Police talk about knuckle dusters but this item is legal and on the market and is probably more dangerous.”


“This thing is so so dangerous if a child got hold of this I dread to think what could happen.”

An eBay spokesperson has confirmed that the items have been removed.



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