Categories: Healthlife

The Tragic Story of a Strong Teenage Mother Fighting Against Leukemia Gets to See Her Child for the First Time Before Death

When Briana Rawlings was pregnant for four months at the mere age of 18, she received the most heartbreaking news.


She was diagnosed with an aggressive type of leukemia. The problem arrived when this teenage mother had only two options with her. First, to carry on with the pregnancy and deliver the child and risk her own life. Second, to about the child and save her life by increased chances of survival.


But Briana had already set up her mind. She belongs from Colyton, Western Sydney. She decided that she would carry on with her pregnancy. Briana was under severe body pain and fevers, yet she decided to bring the child into the world.


When she decided to carry on with her pregnancy to protect the life of her son, she actually reduced the chances of her survival. This was because, in pregnant condition, she had to postpone her urgent treatment of leukemia.


Kyden’s death

In an interview, Briana went on expressing her feelings for her newborn and why she took the decision for her son. However, Kyden (the baby) had to be delivered three months prior to the actual date due to the contracted infection which called for an emergency caesar.


After delivery, Kyden was fighting to live his life until he completely lost it after 12 days. Kyden’s death brought shock to Briana, and she says that he has given her the strength to carry one.


Sharing her experience, Briana said that she was pretty happy about finding out her pregnancy. When Ms. Rawlings was on the verge of happiness, she was brought down with the blow that she had leukemia.


The doctors had conducted various tests to verify it, but the news of leukemia came out after the bone marrow biopsy.


Kyden too was affected by the infection in her body, but Ms. Briana said that he managed to breathe on his own. Briana shared her entire experience of how she felt when Kyden arrived and stayed.


Ms. Rawlings tried to overcome these conditions and is completely fine with herself. The death of Kyden was a great shock to the people.


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