Categories: Animals/Petslife

Mother Elephant Rushes to Rescue a Baby Elephant After Listening to His Cries

In a video that recently came out, you can see how a group of elephants always work in unison no matter what the situation is.


In the video we have here, a couple had gone for a safari in Africa and that is when they got a chance to capture the amazing moment on camera. The couple did a fantastic job as we got to see something so great that only happens in the wild.


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In the video, you can see the elephant baby stuck in the pool of mud and a huge elephant rushing to him after hearing the cries.


The mother elephant came rushing to help her child out of the trouble. The baby was scared and kept screaming for help. The mother elephant tried to pull him out but he was stuck.


They both kept trying and trying. Within a few minutes after hearing the baby cry out for help, a huge family of elephants arrived and they all worked together to get the baby out.


A few pushed from behind, one tried to pull him and the baby struggled to climb but he was making progress. A few more minutes of the same kept going on and then the baby was finally out, entirely covered in the mud.


The baby looked like the youngest of them all and he was very tiny. He must have been just a few months old. 


Elephants are highly social animals and they do not adapt to living alone. They need their kind around to survive. They work in unison without leaving a single one out of the group.


Humans can learn a lot from elephants. Elephants are very kind to each other and they always have each other’s back. Even they are not related by blood they still live like a family.


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