Categories: Familylife

‘Religious’ Mother Claims Angels Told Her To Sacrifice Her Daughter To Prove Her Faith In God

A 38-year-old mother, Carly Ann Harris, was arrested after drowning her 4-year-old daughter, Amelia Brooke Harris, in a bathtub and setting her body on fire in the garden.


“You’re going to see the angels. See you in heaven,” were the last words that Carly told her daughter before murdering her according to the prosecutors.

Wales News Service

As jury heard, the 38-year-old responsible for killing a “fun-loving, bubbly little girl” has been suffering from severe mental health issues which made her believe that “her daughter would go to heaven but would be reincarnated two days later.”


According to the prosecutors, the mother “sacrificed her to prove her faith to God” after the “angels told her to do it.” Following her arrest, Carly told the police that she might be possessed by an angel.

Wales News Service

During the trial, prosecutor Michael Jones also explained how Carly’s 17-year-old son discovered his 11-year-old brother crying when he got back home. “Don’t go out the back,” he said to his older brother.


“His mother told him: ‘She’s gone to heaven – she’s coming back on Sunday,’ the prosecutor added.

“He went into the garden and saw a coffee table with a blanket over it. He lifted it and saw a charred leg.

“Neighbors heard the older child shouting: ‘How could you? She’s my little sister.’


“He was seen running around shouting: ‘You’ve killed her, you’ve killed her.’

“The younger brother was heard saying: ‘Don’t call the police, mammy will go to jail.’”

Wales News Service

As the older son revealed in a statement, his mother “stopped me from going to the garden. She told me Amelia had gone to heaven.


“She tried to grip me and I just pushed her off. I saw a coffee table in the garden with a sheet over it.

“I lifted the sheet and saw Amelia’s leg. It was all black. I didn’t look at anything else, I just ran screaming.”

During the trial, Mr. Jones added:


“She told police: ‘The angels told me to do it, just arrest me,’ as she put her hands behind her back in the handcuff position without being asked.

Wales News Service

“In an interview, she said: ‘Jesus told me to do it, I promise you I would not do that to my little girl unless she was returned. I might be possessed – the angels said it’s got to be done.’


“She described herself as a monster and said she was having visions that she had to sacrifice her daughter to prove her faith.”

The murder trial jury was also presented with a video in which Carly told police officers about the relation of number seven to the murder she had committed.


“It was to do with the stars. She would be all right, because Jesus died on a Friday. I knew she would be all right. The sky was pink, so I knew it was all right. Seven is significant. Seven o’clock. I could see demons, what if I was wrong? I knew it had to be done at seven.


“It had to be done around 7pm. It was meant to be the night before. It has to be cold.

“Everything was supposed to be done in symmetry. It should have been the seventh. I could see seven stars above my house.

“I wrapped her up and took her downstairs. I put her on the table. The skies were pink. I tried to hide her. I didn’t want to see her,” Harris said.

Wales News Service

As the court also heard, the mother is suffering from “profound mental health issues” making her unable to distinguish right from wrong and reality from fantasy. The trial continues.


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